
[A symplectic tensor on 2n dimensional pie space]

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Virtual Insanity

Today, I fixed my ailing computer. This is good. I also finished perusing the Sluggy Freelance archives...this is not so good. Thus, I now have a perfectly functioning computer, with full access to the wonders and marvels of the internet....and the stark realisation that - in regard as to what actually to do with this computer - after Sluggy, neither wonders nor marvels are interesting in the least. I have thus turned to evangelical acts to save the souls of others from eternal damnation and my own from boredom. Here are the results thus far:

(18:04:25) WarpyTraffic: go seek [thyself]
(18:08:46) Krawhitham222: go fuck yourself

Clearly, whatever else I may have in the way of qualities, the priesthood is not my true calling.

While caught in a similar conundrum concerning the occupation of my time not many weeks ago, I made the mistake of browsing the 'Blogsphere', an area much like the hydrosphere but denser and fed primarily by the sewage pipes of the world's educational output. I came across one fine sample that had a single (numero uno) post, exhorting its readers to disregard their peers and follow their hearts, their souls and their raging hormones in their quest for the perfect date. That fine piece of literature proceeded to demolish (by the fine act of proof-by-statement) the idea that 'grown-ups' were the only ones who knew what love 'truly truly truly' was, and the author of this logical tour-de-force proclaimed, once again (this was the thesis statement for the entire passage...did I not mention this?), that she loved her "bf".

(bf = beef? Some kind of arcane meat-eaters think-tank? What is this, food for thought?)

I didn't know whether to throw up, or to...well, there really wasn't a second option.

I think back, now, and wonder what kind of a world we would live in if Chris Palmer decreed all, and there were indeed mandatory IQ tests...following which low-scorers would be quite effectively eliminated from the gene-pool. Perhaps, just perhaps, you would not be reading this article right now.

I suggest dropping the matter while there's still some ambiguity in the air.


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