There's a Joke in Here Somewhere
Yesterday, three generations were represented on the field, each by a single champion. We picked up sickle and scyth, sword and axe, and went to do battle with the greenery, assault the shrubbery, prune grass pride, circumcise the living stalks, reap the chlorophyll harvest, bring down green towers, crush the lesser boughs of The-Great-Tree-We-Call-The-Earth-God-We-Love-Dashes, murder the Tribe-That-Roots, feed the sap-thirst, garden and grow, harvest and plough...
|: Nope, no joke there :|
Well, ok, it was a grass-cutter and we mowed the lawn. But that's pretty funny, don't you think? I mean, me and manual productive labour? Worth a laugh or two? Just one?
|: Humour must be scarce in these parts :|
A professor of literature, an engineer and a student of physics cut the grass.
|: There's a joke in there somewhere...just waiting to be written :|
They weren't too bad at it.
|: Still waiting :|
Who the fuck are you?
|: Your schizophrenic conscience, telling you to hit the "delete" button :|
Pah. Too bad.
|: 'Gawd-Awful humour' :|
that was baaaaaaaaaad reading.
im bored.
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