Soothingly Surreal Sounds
Goddammit, Rohini, I don't think you know of this blog, but I've got to hunt you down and tell you - because you absolutely need to hear this story.
I was performing my usual China Mieville rant when, not unsurprisingly, the subject of Robert Jordan arose. It seems a low opinion of the man is not uncommon. Sheepishly, I confessed to holding some residual fondness for the man; at least, for the first six or so books. The tale I was then given went as follows: apparently, this girl went to Jordan's book signing and stood around in the line for what must have been a significant period of time (the man does have a following). When clouds parted sufficiently to let this little ray of bitterness through to the man himself, she delivered a scathing blow. To quote:
"(I) told him to stop describing female clothing at such length. He was not amused."
For the record, that's awesome.
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