So I Spent the Day Reading
...Something that is rather inadvisable when the subject is a Goodkind book. Terry Goodkind, age unknown, is one of those authors that I've always seen lurking around in a fantasy section, but never really picked up (think old, ugly hooker). Now that I have, however, I'm not much happier for it. Another curiosity resolved (do you resolve curiosities?), another saga I don't think I'll complete.
I finally got around to reading the paper Professor Wardle sent me. Well, my job might essentially be a lot of data-collating, but just knowing some of the theory behind it makes it all the more interesting. I discovered that if I read really fast, I can zip past most of the cumbersome ideas and pick up some moderately interesting highlights - which a second, slightly slower, reading confirms. So, while I don't have the faintest as to what the Eddington Mass is, I can tell you the proposed structure for at least a part of SS433. It involves cylinders.
Has anybody downloaded An Elephant's Dream yet?
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